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Let Us Vent Poetry Contestants - 2022

Writer's picture: Dom RootDom Root

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

Welcome to another season of our Poetry Contests. It's a part of the I Am Root mission to stay engaged with writers of all walks, and our contests have been a great way to celebrate and connect with more writers.

Here are the contestants for this season's Let Us Vent Poetry contest, aka LUV Poetry Contest. Thanks to our contest sponsors both Rooted Minds Blog team and Poetry Hype

You can find information about the contestants below along with a video of their poems and a transcript. You are able to submit your vote, once daily, by visiting between 2/9-2/16


Anger by Leaux | Entry #1

“Anger” by Leaux

If anger was my best friend

I'd hold it's hand through the madness, the sadness

and on one could tell me otherwise

I wouldn't let Him die .

the sad death


Id celebrate his transition to better life

while putting down lie after lie

after lie after lie

the ones we told each other

yet we never liked

never alike in more ways than one

he showed me my pain

he was the mirror

and I was barely awake

if anger was my best friend

I’d hold my heart tighter

freeing the madness ,the sadness

and no one could tell me otherwise

Written by: Lauren “Leaux” Marcelee


Unhinged by Kristi Sprowl | Entry #2


My first time reading Sista Soulja"s the coldest winter ever

It was actually summer that day

I felt my body heat up ready to purge any thought of the naughty

What would it be like to be touched like that?

Have I even felt what a real man's touch was like?

Outside of the hurtful things my ex told me or the times when my own father didn't affirm me

Maybe I needed to heal

So when I picked up the book I allowed myself to feel

Completely unhinged

The thought of being bent over at a 90 degree angle with the deepest strokes of I love yous and damn you fine

The sound of his voice shaking as he tells me his fantasies

I've always wondered if my fantasies were suppressed by my reality

As though reality doesn't allow for dark, deep, worthy sexual desires

As the pages turned I realized that I saw myself in her

I wanted to be a character in my own book

My winters wouldn't be so cold anymore

My body would only shiver at the sound of his voice

Yet and still, I remained still

Because my wet dreams of being unhinged were only pipe dreams

To be piped down the way she did

To be handled gently, to be freaked nasty

Jodeci made me think about freaking you

My dominatrix thoughts make me want to make tricks in you

To make love to you

Soulja taught me that sex wasn't as complicated

Letting my body release was your favorite past time

I handled mine

You came everytime

The coldest winters led to my darkest fears

But I shared light with you

Life is fun with you

Treating my body as a spectacle

Untieing my nouns with your verbs

Driving fast on all these curves

And when you crash, fall amongst the stars

Making love isn't just sex, it's art


Mi Imaginary Amor by Louie Fish | Entry #3


What's a Love Song? by Jermon Hamilton | Entry #4

What’s a love song?

First off how you do love wrong?

How come one day it’s here

And the next day it’s gone

So please tell me

How you do love wrong?

We talking love

Not possession

The shield against every weapon

I ain’t talking bout tekken

Excuse me let bring that back

The shield against every weapon

I ain’t talking mortal kombat

I’m just stating the truth

Don’t get it confused with a fact

But Shid

While we bringing stuff back

Let’s talk about love

And some facts

Saying you love a person

When they just a source

for the things that you lack

Now you at war with love

There’s no peace

you under attack

Ain’t no pause

Ain’t no wait

Ain’t no need to bring it back

So what’s a love song?

Treat love like energy

Never a desire to do love wrong

I ask again what’s a love song?

It’s way more than just getting along

Screaming from the top of my lungs

what’s a love song?

Then I close my eyes and Let go of

all things I was hanging on

In that moment

I heard my first love song


Who Taught You to Love? by Brittany Frizzelle | Entry #5

Who taught you to love?

The lady on TV who was beat on and cheated on?

The parent who had to hold their wounds closed so they couldn’t hold you close?

Or the parent who was so ashamed that they barely spoke your name?

Or the friend with more toys than presence so they always bragged about their presents?

Was it the sister with six dudes but no bills so she opened her legs and closed her heart to feels?

Or the brother who hid his love to be accepted in a world where he has to hide himself and is still rejected?

Who taught you to love?

Why'd you listen?

Did it feel good to be pushed away?

Did it feel good to cry yourself to sleep at night?

You like covering up the pain and shame with fake smiles and fake fame?

You like feeling empty inside with so much shit in your space you can't even sit inside?

Or is it the loneliness taking over your insides while you let just anybody inside?

Or maybe the joy of never having to really love b/c honestly you don’t know real love?

Who taught you to love?


Or did you just overlook all that and still learn to love yourself?


Rainbow by Arianna Muro | Entry #6


We've agreed that the pride rainbow is doesn’t represent the lovers of our hue

But I still love you in colors like I love you in Blue...Like the raging waters of pleasure colliding with pain

Constantly clashing from sadness to hope and but always back to love again

And I love you in yellow…full of joy and optimism every day that I wake and YOU are my shining rays

But then when clouds full of fear conflicting with faith hovers over…I love you in gray

And then In your arms rested I find the comfort of lavender…Lavender that deepens until your purple rain I drink

Intoxicated from your spirits my brown hands find their way to pink

At times I love you in red because rage takes over when you PTSD from past lovers blends in

Reflecting though on your grace, I know I am safe and I'm back to white again

White that offers no opposite to how much I love you in black because we both posses Nigerian DNA

I love you like shining silver lining when things feel bleak and together we pray

Our Jaded hearts once broken now meet focused on the work to heal and mend

Conversations at night journeying through truth and understanding our true colors blend

Discussions that get deeper with each green that we inhale

Exposing ourselves in vivid flesh and 4k honesty seeing every color, texture and detail

And when we fall I love you like the in orange leaves we land in, the pile of blessing we stand in

You see no matter how many muted “just ok” days we have in colors less bold

And no matter our distance from the Pride flag

Our love IS the rainbow…our love in Gold.


Social Media by Aretha Rodney | Entry #7

Social Media

When did our value started being determined

by how many people choose to follow you

when did our worth divert to a double tapping of ones

finger leaving thoughts to linger if enough people didn’t tap twice

then just maybe just maybe that photo wasn’t post worthy

when did our identity

and our reality become our enemy

see I don’t mean to offend but in this era we would

rather live a life of pretend just to stay up to date with the recent trend


when did our worth divert to one opinion behind a device screen

that results in us tampering with our genes

it seem we live a life based off others reaction

so SELF LOVE just fits a great caption

our satisfaction lies with the world wide web of lies

being deceived by what we see before our eyes

being displeased with our own lives because we still working 9 to 5

as if a 9 to 5

makes one less applicable to succeed and thrive

see so much have changed

and if not doing it like the world your considered a lame

at some point the ultimate goal became a blue check beside ones name

if you ask me social media is what you make it

and its filled with opportunities

people coming together building communites

but on the other end of it its filled with a lot of hypocrites a lot of judges and

jurors a lot of counterfeits

so be sure of who you are so you don’t get lost in it



More from I Am Root:

Contest Details:

The Rules:

LUV Poetry Contest
LUV = Let Us Vent

Our annual LUV celebration continues!


submit a video reading or performing your best poem.

1. Upload your submission to youtube and then register your link and information on our website

2. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE ON CAMERA (Audio submissions can be converted to video files with the poem title

and writer’s name on the screen.)

3. No minimum or Maximum length is required, but recordings must be new and not repurposed.

4. Please submit a written copy of the poem when you enter the link on the website

5. For alternative submission options email (subject: LUV Poetry)

Deadline to submit: February 4th 2022

Cash prize + I AM Root® Merch
1st Place $75
2nd place $50
3rd Place $25

All online voting at


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