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Dom Root interviews E Totton about Green Tea: A Smoking Love Story!

Writer: Dom RootDom Root

Updated: Jul 5, 2020

What’s up everybody here is the LIVE that Dom Root did interviewing DIG. DIG is a long time family friend and mentor to Dom Root, the owner of I Am Root LLC. These two catch up about old times, then also dive into DIG’s upcoming project “Green Tea:  A Smoking Love Story” — After we got the details about the film, we did a quick game of random questions.  Dom Root Interviews DIG Totton about Green Tea: A Smoking Love Story [Full Video] FOLLOW IG: @oba_dig @domrootmusic @iamrootco Twitter: @domrootmusic @iamrootco Web Subscribe  DIG World TV - I Am Root Co. — I Am Root Co. is a Lifestyle Brand that specializes in events and productions for Local, Underground, and Emerging creative arts. The I Am Root Collective is made up of 7 independent artists and a blog/media team whose mission is to inspire and be inspired. I Am Root LLC. also curates quarterly live music showcases, monthly open-mics, special release events, and specialty shows across Arizona. We work with local, emerging, and underground artists, the Maricopa Community College School District, Arizona State University Organizations, Non-Profit organizations and others to help push the culture and create a community for artists and art appreciators. We focus a great deal on the comfort of our guests and providing an overall eye-opening experience. We like to feature networking mixers, live poetry, music performances, art-exhibits, film-screenings, and more. We are here to inspire and be inspired. Please subscribe! Links: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Email: Please subscribe!


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