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Weekly Writing Prompts 07.25.19

Rooted Minds Staff

We've got a fun writing prompt for everyone, so let's keep it simple this week. You can send over free-writes, short-stories, poems, song ideas, and more!


Start your write up with the phrase below and then see where the story takes you. Sometimes it is best to just write for ten minutes, non-stop, without editing. Let the creativity flow and then share it with us in the comments below or on our facebook page --

"I wish somebody would"


-- We are sharing Weekly Writing Prompts with the hope of growing the writing communities that we are connected to. If you or someone you know loves writing, let's get to it! It is important to exercise the brain and these our prompts will definitely give you a challenge. It is also a dope way to stay sharp for our Quarterly Writing Prompt.

-- Send in your ideas to our Facebook Page! Some of the best responses will be read on the RWRS Podcast, which airs every Tuesday Night at 9pm on Youtube Live. The episodes are available on Apple Music and Spotify.

-- Follow us on instagram @RootedMinds

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