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Travis White
Oct 20, 20174 min read
Love in a Fascist State
Fascism happens first lying, then by blaming the problems of the system on a group of people, and finally using any tactic to achieve...
Travis White
Aug 27, 20174 min read
Stop Eating God's Flesh
Nietzsche was wrong on his most famous point, it was not the death of GOD that would usher in nihilism, it was always there, nihilism,...
Dom Root
Aug 10, 20171 min read
Sage Grows Every Man
At one point, you had me believing That stars never fade away, That a woman actually walked the moon. I held on to your every word Like a...
Dom Root
Jul 11, 20171 min read
Election Year 2012
Votes Decide President Barrack Obama Republican Mitt Romney Battling to lock up Ohio Voters and Electors, yearn For Congressional...
Travis White
Jun 18, 20172 min read
I get it, everything is a game.
Everything is a game. Everything is practice. If everything is a game and everything practice then what you are doing is always...
Dom Root
May 20, 20172 min read
Carl Dennis 'Unknown Friends' Review
Carl Dennis Unknown Friends Review Publisher: Penguin Books (April 3, 2007) ISBN-13: 978-0143038757 Unknown Friends by Carl Dennis is a...
Travis White
May 18, 20171 min read
Bob Wilson’s monster
Praise Bob and it’s time for the TSOG to feed Doom i say doom The system is falling the system is falling And the people won’t tell the...
Dom Root
May 18, 20171 min read
There is will among the people of a cultured generation. Voices fight for equality when justice seems to fail. We trade skirts of...
Travis White
May 10, 20173 min read
Alchemy and You.
A disciple one day asked the head monk “can you tell me something about enlightenment” and the monk replies “attention.” The next day the...

Zera Supernova
May 7, 20171 min read
Fear of Greatness
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. – Marianne Williamson I do not...
Zera Supernova
Apr 9, 20171 min read
Without Permission
We live for the green stamp of approval. Certified, quality guaranteed, 5 star rating. We trust what we see and recognize others as a...
Dom Root
Mar 24, 20173 min read
America as Told by Claude Mckay
America "Although she feeds me bread of bitterness, And sinks into my throat her tiger's tooth, Stealing my breath of life, I will...
Dom Root
Dec 16, 20161 min read
Sweeter on The Other Side
My emotions roast over the fire pit like marshmallows, as the once white is now black instead. As the night gets colder and the days get...
Dom Root
Nov 26, 20162 min read
Remembering your Mommy
The Sun crossed the planes, northern most eastward, searing into our windshield. She rested her head on my shoulder, as we made our way...
Dom Root
Nov 23, 20161 min read
Thoughts in INK
Where do my thoughts go when they leave my mind at night? Where do they hide when my spirit declines and I fall behind at a lost for...
Dom Root
Nov 20, 20161 min read
Make it to 21
You ever see a guy backed into a corner forced to choose, life as a foot soldier trekking behind a convoy he has no faith in, the system,...

Zera Supernova
Oct 24, 20161 min read
Free at Last
Soul food you are, feeding my heart with your sincerity. Black man you are, power in all that you need to be. One decision to remain seen...
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