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Dom Root
May 22, 20181 min read
War Child (Found Poem)
In the span of a few hours, several people were killed and tens of thousand s were sent running for their lives. Nearly a decade after...
Dom Root
May 22, 20181 min read
Repentance Prayer
I have committed acts of hurting those, who hurt others, who hurt no one. I've learned the lessons of a black sheep, one who’s been...
May 16, 20181 min read
Day 1 : Down the Rabbit Hole
As part of my therapy and dealing with depression, my therapist recommended that I chronicle my day to day dealings with mental health....

Niamey Thomas
May 14, 20183 min read
“I’ll tell you anything, what do you want to know,” you told me. “I feel so comfortable with you it’s scary,” you say. “We just fit so...
Travis White
May 14, 20182 min read
Russian Novels and American Lessons
I learned from Russian literatures how a nation can rot Theirs is still festering I learned from Nietzsche that if you stare into the...

Travis White
May 14, 20181 min read
A message to Men; An ode to Feminism.
The appreciation of women only happens by structuring the environment in a way they agree with He in this lies the crux of modern madness...
Zera Supernova
May 14, 20181 min read
To love is to die and to die is to transform. To transform is to sacrifice and to sacrifice is to blossom in the unknown. A sunflower in...
Zera Supernova
May 14, 20182 min read
Two Words
This morning I woke up to 3 green notifications on my iPhone screen. “Account Overdrawn. Balance -$30.50. To transfer funds…” Damn. My...
Zera Supernova
May 14, 20181 min read
The Power of Sensation
My inner monologue has become clouded with messy memes and pop culture references. I can't calculate the radius of a circle off the top...
Dom Root
Apr 1, 20181 min read
Early April, At The River
Roaring dandelions tickle her nose As she lie in a sea of soft greenery. Butterflies swim through the fresh air, Then rest atop her...
Zera Supernova
Mar 25, 20181 min read
Never worry about what people say about you behind your back; it speaks to their character not yours. -Wisdom From a Friend Why would a...
Zera Supernova
Mar 18, 20184 min read
Get Gains Bro!
I despise "Good vibes only. Name a person who has never experienced negativity and I'll show you a weak, sheltered, lifeless individual....
Travis White
Mar 5, 20182 min read
“On this bridge,” Lorca warns,
“On this bridge,” Lorca warns, “life is not a dream. Beware. And beware. And beware.” And so many think because Then happened, Now isn’t....
Songbird Dreamer
Feb 24, 20181 min read
Duality is such an intriguing concept. How can someone live in two different worlds and constantly struggle to find the balance of which...
Dom Root
Dec 20, 20172 min read
What is Home?
What is home? Home is warm Reflections of Fond memories... and There’s a little part of me In every place that we use to call home, I say...
Travis White
Nov 30, 20175 min read
An Open Warning: Truth, Lies and Totalitarianism
Political correctness is said to be taboo now, so I am going to speak freely: There are times where a proper critique of culture as it is...
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